Cuddle Bear Drive

Friday, July 15, 2016

Long Time, No Posts....

I'm sorry to say that it's been two years (!) since my last blog post.  That's just ridiculous!  

So let's do a quick review of the last two years around here:
  • Finalized D's adoption!
  • Sold the condo, home for over 10 years
  • Bought a house with a yard and play room (my only requests after climbing over D's things in our tiny yard-less condo for nearly two years
  • Moved, an adventure within itself
  • Brought home a new little brother!
Looking at it in a bulleted list like this makes it seem like not that much has happened, but it certainly felt like life was turned upside down for a while there.  Little Brother, who I refer to as BabyCakes, has been home nearly a year and although his adoption isn't finalized yet, we are finally settling into a good groove as a family of four.  

I've loved being a stay-at-home mom with my boys this summer.  We've been pretty relaxed and laid back and simply enjoyed the time together.  There are two weeks left before my summer is over and we're squeezing in a beach trip before it's all over.  Not to mention the fact that I'm moving classrooms (upgrading from closet to classroom!) and none of that work has even started yet!  

One thing I know for sure, whether you're moving, bringing home new Foster babies, or starting a new school year, life never slows down.  There is never going to be a mythical "when things calm down" so we might as well just learn to enjoy the chaos and adapt to the lack of sleep!